Shanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG)

Informations sur l'aéroport - Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Chine

Description Valeur
(Code d'aéroport international Air Transport Association)
Type Grand aéroport
Code de l'aéroport le plus proche -
Code d'aéroport GPS ZSPD
Longitude 31.1434001922607
Latitude 121.805000305176

Villes à proximité de Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Chine

Ville, pays Distance (km)
Shanghai 25 km

Photos près de Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Chine

Pudong Intl Airport, Shanghai, at 8:00AM / 浦东国际机场 浦東機場c——吉易 南匯区東海鎮の標準的な民家 Jan.2003 南匯汽車站 Nanhui bus station (Dec.2002) MAGLEV
上海磁懸浮_431KM Pudong International Airport PVG Airport Shanghai 浦东国际机场候机厅全景 Pudong international airport waiting hall the Sanjiagang sea bank near Pudong Intl Airport
final Pudong Airport 海天三路站 2号线站台 Line 2 Platform of Haitiansan Station, Shanghai Metro Pudong Int'l Airport - the control tower and terminals 远东大道站 2号线站台 Line 2 Platform of Yuandong Avenue Station, Shanghai Metro Shanghai
三甲港海滨浴场-向北 Sanjiagang at the mouth of Yangtze River into East Sea Pudong Int'l Airport - T2 and a little bit part of T1 凌空路站 2号线站台屏幕门 Platform screen doors at Line 2 Platform of Lingkong Road Station 庆利路凌白公路-向西

Photos de Shanghai Pudong International Airport