
Les informations qui peuvent être utiles pour votre voyage.

Photos de Tokyo
Photos de Tokyo au Panoramio
Catégories commerciales Tokyo
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Voyage conseils et avertissements Tokyo
Tourism Tourism in Tokyo is a major industry. In 2006, 4. 81 million foreigners and 420 million Japanese visits to Tokyo were made; the economic value of these visits totaled 9. 4 trillion yen according to the government of Tokyo. [1] Many tourists visit the various downtowns, stores, and entertainment districts throughout the neighborhoods of the special wards of Tokyo; particularly school children on class trips, a visit to Tokyo Tower is de rigueur. Cultural offerings include both omnipresent Japanese pop culture and associated districts (Shibuya and Harajuku), subcultural attractions such as Studio Ghibli anime center, as well as museums like the Tokyo National Museum, which houses 37% of the country's artwork national treasures (87/233). Though no buildings in Tokyo are World heritage sites and only the Jizo Hall of Shofuku-ji, a suburban temple, is a National treasure, [2] other popular attractions include the Imperial Palace, Meiji Shrine, and Sensō-ji, a popular temple. Finally, many tourists, particularly foreign tourists, visit Tsukiji Fish Market, as the time-zone difference leads to foreign visitors waking up very early local time.
Access to Tokyo is provided by airports including Narita Airport, Tokyo International Airport (Haneda, providing primarily domestic service), and the Shinkansen. Major hotel districts include Shinjuku and Tokyo Bay, although there are some hotels in many more districts.
Cultura The festivals and traditional beliefs of these people reflect their culture. Most of the residents of Tokyo are music and theater lovers.

Some of the renowned festivals of Tokyo are:
Sanja Festival
Osunafumi Taisai
Kachiya Festival
Hinode Matsuri
Meiji Shrine Spring Festival
Hinode Matsuri etc.
Shopping Guide to Tokyo Shopping - including Shibuya, Ginza, Odaiba and Harajuku. Tokyo shopping is some of the best shopping in the world.
People from Tokyo and Japan in general love to go shopping, so they have some of the best shops in the world.
Cost For many of us, the prospect of moving and living in Japan is both exciting yet daunting. Especially for those coming here on a tight budget, Japan's reputation as the most expensive country in the world in which to live, certainly doesn't help. So, this week, I'd like to cover some of the typical costs of living here. This is purely a guide only, you can do it both cheaper and much more comfortably. Also, I chose Tokyo, since it surely is the most expensive place in Japan in which to live.

Tokyo, Japon

Mercredi 24, Avril

Un article de Wikipédia à propos Tokyo

, anciennement, est la capitale administrative du Japon depuis 1868, en tant que lieu de résidence de l'empereur du Japon, du Premier ministre, du siège de la Diète (le parlement japonais), du Cabinet, de tous les ministères qui le constituent ainsi que de toutes les ambassades étrangères. Ce statut n'est toutefois pas défini par la Constitution de 1947. Elle constitue le principal centre politique de l'archipel depuis le.

Elle est caractérisée par ses gratte-ciels, ses magasins de produits électroniques et de haute technologie, mais aussi par ses nombreux sanctuaires shintoïstes et temples bouddhistes, notamment dans les arrondissements de Chiyoda, Shibuya ou Minato.

La forme l'une des, mais dispose d'un statut administratif particulier de préfecture métropolitaine. L'agglomération de Tokyo toutefois s'étend au-delà des limites territoriales de la préfecture, rayonnant sur une large frange de la baie de Tokyo, ainsi que sur la région du Kantō. Avec près de 38 millions d'habitants, l'agglomération de Tokyo, quelle que soit la manière dont on la définit, forme l'aire urbaine la plus peuplée au monde De Babylone à Tōkyō : Les grandes agglomérations du monde / François Moriconi-Ebrard, Éd. Ophrys, 2000, 330..
Description above from the Wikipedia, licensed under CC-BY-SA full list of contributors here.
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Japon, Tokyo