Copenhagen Roskilde Airport (RKE)

Informations sur l'aéroport - Copenhagen Roskilde Airport, Danemark

Description Valeur
(Code d'aéroport international Air Transport Association)
Type Aéroport moyen
Code de l'aéroport le plus proche -
Code d'aéroport GPS EKRK
Longitude 55.5856018066406
Latitude 12.1314001083374

Villes à proximité de Copenhagen Roskilde Airport, Danemark

Ville, pays Distance (km)
Copenhague 29.66 km
Malmö 55.29 km
Helsingborg 63.08 km
Lund 67.53 km

Photos près de Copenhagen Roskilde Airport, Danemark

'A Bench for Two :) - After the Sunset I' - Roskilde Fjord, Sealand, Denmark 'Bifrost - The Rainbow Bridge to Valhalla'  (Last Journey of the Vikings) - Sunrise - Jersie Beach, Sealand, Denmark Sunset - Kirke Skensved, Zealand, Denmark 'Twilight' - Sunset - Lille Ladager, Sealand, Denmark Vases
Roskilde Fjord Cows on yellow fields with Roskilde Domkirke in the background 'The painting of the Sunset' - Lille Ladager, Sealand, Denmark Cornfield I - Solrød, Sjælland, Danmark "The Waves of the Cornfield" - Karlstrup, Sealand, Denmark
Karlstrup Limestone Quarry (Kalkgrav), Sealand, Denmark Planning ahead or going nowhere?? F16 Roskilde Festival 2 girls on horsebacks - Small and Big
Tune kirke - Greve Vor Frue kirke - Roskilde Fields by Himmelev Gadstrup kirke - Roskilde Solrød kirke

Photos de Copenhagen Roskilde Airport