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Tourism Brno (German: Brünn) is the major city of the Moravia region in the Czech Republic. It is the largest city in Moravia, the second largest city in the Czech Republic by population and area. The city celebrated 750 years of "city status". It was founded around year 1000. Brno is the cultural and administrative center of South Moravia. The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic is situated here as well as many other important authorities. Its population is around 380, 000 people.
Sights Tourist information centre, Freedom Square, Špilberk Castle, Petrov Cathedral, Old Town Hall, Tugendhat Villa, Capuchin Monastery
Cuisine Czech food is mostly based around pork and potatoes. A Czech favorite is smažený sýr, fried cheese, which is available at many restaurants and fast food stands. A good option is to visit one of the many pubs or restaurants that usually offer traditional Czech food all day long. You could easily find a restaurant where you get a meal and a drink for around €5, even in the city center. Many of these places also offer cheaper special (limited, pre-prepared) menus at mid-day. Cafés offer a nice selection of rolls and pastries if you're looking for breakfast food. Visit the cukrárna near the House of the Four Idiots on nam. Svobody and try a rakvička ("little coffin", small pastry covered with cream). This is the only place in the Czech Republic to find the chocolate ones. You can find other tips for restaurants and pubs on Brno101

Brno, République Tczéque

Vendredi 13, Décembre

Un article de Wikipédia à propos Brno

Capitale de la Moravie, Brno, en allemand : Brünn) est la deuxième plus grande ville de la République tchèque avec une population de habitants, et est située au confluent des rivières Svitava et Svratka.

Le monument le plus connu de la ville est la Villa Tugendhat, construit par Ludwig Mies van der Rohe dans les années 1920. Cet exemple de l'architecture moderne a été inscrit sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO en 2002.

Brno possède un aéroport situé à Brno-Tuřany (code AITA : BRQ).
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